Sunday, December 17, 2017

Commonly Mispronounced Words

Do you say "I want to AXE you a question?" or "I want to ASK you a question"?

Do you say "eXpecially?" or "eSpecially"?

These are just 2 of the MOST mispronounced words spoken. They're said by doctors, lawyers, even college professors!

I often want to tell them "spell eSpecially" for me! But, I don't dare do it!

I had one instructor - TEACHING A CLASS - and she was wonderful! She knew her stuff and she was the sweetest, most patient person in the world! However!!! About 20 times a day - she would say "pacifically". She was meaning to say "Specifically"!!!

It drove me INSANE! I felt even worse for her because she was an African American woman and there were mostly Caucasian - high level government employees in the room.

I truly contemplated for weeks about talking to her about this very sensitive subject, but as much as it hurt my ears, and as much as I cared for her and about how she was presenting herself, I just didn't have the heart or the nerve to do it!

To this day - when I think of her - all that I think about is "pacifically".

She left a lasting impression on me. Fortunately she had a much nicer, brighter, wonderful side to her personality as well. But even with this wonderful nature of hers - I truly thought of her speech as a desecration to the English language and hoped that she would one day get stronger and improve her speaking skills.

In the near future - I will post a page with more of the most commonly mispronounced words for you to review and consider practicing.